nice panning on the shaker and hats. I like it
nice panning on the shaker and hats. I like it
Thank you, definitely turned out better than I anticipated!
Sounds like im running from bad guys in Tintin
Thanks :D
my boy drifitn the Silverado.
Silverado gang. 💪
Sounds sick for just 6 hours put into it!
Thank you! :D
Yooooo this is fuckin SICK. Very late 80s demo track vibes, which I live for. Good job homie.
Thank you so much !!!
I'll upload the tracker version one day ! It took me almost two years to master protracker, it's more programming than writing music 😆
yooooo rock fukin on, just curious whats do u use for a guitar tone? I can never get good low
pinch harmonic sounds like that.
Thanks dude! For this I think I used a POD HD Desktop edition, they have a few amp sims on there. But I'd EQ the FUCK out of them because raw they sound VERY digital. Typically I'll aim for a more dynamic mid-tone sound before anything else with those older digital amp sims like a Line 6 POD or a Digitech pedal because if you aim for the highrange it always seems to sound somehow even more digital and fake. Though I guess it really depends on the tone you're looking for.
Nowadays I'd HIGHLY recommend using one of Neural DSP's amp sims and just recording a DI. There are so, so many cool things you can do with them. Personally I love the Archetype Nolly plugin but that's because I tend to gravitate toward prog rock/metal tones with a bit more body.
Also, on the pinches: It's unfortunately just about practice. There are like 3 ways to pull of a low pinch and the way I accidentally stumbled upon it is different than most tutorials will give you. Instead of doing anything special with your picking hand or doing open harmonics and bending them afterwards, if you play any note with your index finger while gently resting your pinky with the same string a few frets down you can get a really solid harmonic tone out of it. By striking that harmonic hard and releasing the pinky you can bend the fuck out of it. Also, depending on where your pinky is you can get different harmonic tones out of it. That way you can get a solid harmonic anywhere on the fretboard without worrying about pick dynamics or anything like that.
It doesn't work nearly as well on higher notes though and for those I'd recommend the method where you use a tiny bit of your picking hand's thumb while you strike the note.
Good luck! And thanks for the review!
That bass synth really reminds me of my childhood. I don't know how old you are but back in the early 2000s that 303 sounding arp defined my love of techno shit. It really reminds me of a game I used to play called DethKarz, and I get a lot of nostalgia out of it. Great track.
Drums are mixed good and the background pads fukin rule. Love it
The acid bass/lead's definitely supposed to resemble something that would've played in the '90s/early '00s, I've never heard of the game, but it must be good since it reminds you of it.
Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it a lot!
Not gonna lie, I thought it was gonna be Careless Whisper but Baldi was singing it.
The power of April 1st
Nice! Whats OHB?
OHB is a One Hour Battle, a competition where you must make a song in only one hour. They are often hosted on Battle of the Bits. Thank you for the review :)
Missing the mark since 2021
Age 25
Your Mom
Your Mom's House
The Bedroom
Joined on 6/5/21